2019 Primary Healthcare Award Winners

Congratulations to our 2019 MPHN Primary Healthcare Award winners!

Outstanding Contribution to Community

Dr Kamath

Dr Mark Kamath who is known as “Ajit” served the local community of Temora for more than 43 years as a general practitioner. He was a Visiting Medical Officer and surgeon at the Temora and District Hospital from April 1975 until 2012. After finishing his medical training in 1965 in India he moved to England for surgical training and worked as a house surgeon and registrar, before qualifying in 1969 with Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons (Edinburgh). Dr Kamath came to Australia in April 1975 and commenced work at was known as the Temora Medical Centre, where he worked until his retirement in October last year.

Promoting Healthy Living

Women’s Wellness and Recovery Program at Calvary Riverina Hospital

The Women’s Wellness and Recovery Program is provided by the Calvary Drug and Alcohol Centre to support pregnant women and women with children under age five years who are experiencing concerns’ with their drug and alcohol use. The program aims to improve the health and wellbeing of the women and their children through the provision of midwifery support including antenatal assessment, drug and alcohol counselling, care coordination, parenting education and group support programs. Since launching 175 women have received support including linking in with GP and antenatal care teams. Every effort is made to services are trauma informed and culturally safe.


Temora Medical Centre and the Great Quack Quest

In early 2018, faced with the imminent retirement of two of its long standing doctors and with no replacements on the horizon, Temora Medical Complex started an innovative plan to attract doctors to town. The brief was to focus on the quality of life living in a small town with a cohesive community, job satisfaction and finding the right fit for the practice. And so, the Great Quack Quest was born.  It involved social media, a public competition, and short videos of a day in the life of a GP in Temora, culminating in the release of a three-minute music video.

Murrumbidgee Community Grant of the Year

Serinah Maddox of Maddox Group Exercise and PT

Maddox Exercise and PT received a Murrumbidgee Community Grant for its Empower Challenge. The free 12 week wellbeing challenge for women in Coolamon was attended by 82 people. Participants focused on developing all components of their health – physical, mental, social and emotional wellbeing. The program provided an opportunity for regular exercise and escape the daily stresses of rural living. It also helped build relationships, communication, develop coping skills and strategies, and foster resilience to support their own friends and families. One participant said “I really feel that being part of an awesome group like this has fostered so many good things.”