Greater Choices for At Home Palliative Care (GCfAHPC) Project
MPHN is one 31 PHN’s across the nation to receive funding to coordinate palliative care activities in their region. The GCfAHPC identifies being cared for and dying at home is most people’s preference. This initiative aims to help make that possible by enhancing local service provision, to improve access to safe, quality palliative care at home and support end-of-life care systems and services in primary healthcare and community care.
Key project strategies
1. Public health approach to palliative care
This strategy involves the development and delivery of a palliative care approach to improve the quality of life for carers, who are caring for someone at home with a life limiting illness such as dementia.
2. Multidisciplinary approach to care planning
A systemic approach to embed multidisciplinary team meetings in primary care to increase capability and provision of quality palliative care and to support quality improvement activities.
3. Improving palliative care outcomes in general practice
The aim of this strategy is to improve access to quality palliative care at home through routine assessment of palliative care needs. Support is provided for the early identification of palliative care patients and timely referral into palliative care for optimal outcomes.
4. Improving the palliative care approach for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in primary care
Consultation is underway to identify potential barriers and enablers to First Nations people accessing palliative acre which is culturally safe.
5. Carer bereavement support in the community
Identification of the integral role of the carer in facilitating at home palliative care. Development of resources to support carers and the development of activities which increases community understanding of death and dying issues and support availability.
Video Presentations for GPs
Preparing family for the caring role, with consideration of bereavement support
Presented by Dr Mark Boughey (20/02/2019)
For all palliative care referrals and enquiries, please phone Murrumbidgee Local Health District Intake on: 1800 654 324
Julie Mecham
Palliative Care Project Officer
02 69 233 112
Last updated 19/08/2024