Clinical Software Templates
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eReferral Templates
Chronic Disease Management
Aged Care
Palliative Care
Aboriginal Health
Home Medication Review
Health Assessments
Allied Health EPC Items
Health Checks
Mental Health
Breastscreen NSW
Diabetes Management
Ambulance Authorised Care Plans
MPHN Specific
Community Paediatric GP Support
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Right select on link and select Save Target As...
Select a location on your hard drive (such as the Desktop or My Documents) and select Save.
Note: Do not open in Word if you intend to import into a clinical software
Importing Template Instructions
eReferral Templates
Chronic Disease Management
GPMP - Generic (Item 721) (.rtf)
GPMP - Asthma (Item 721) (.rtf) GPMP - Asthma with Reviews(.rtf) Includes columns for reviews (landscape)
GPMP - CHD (Item 721) (.rtf)
GPMP - CHD (.rtf) (MD3) Developed by the Heart Foundation
GPMP - Childhood Disability (Item 721) (.rtf)
GPMP - Depression/Anxiety (Item 721) (.rtf)
GPMP - Diabetes (Item 721) (.rtf)
GPMP - Kidney Disease for BP (Item 721) (.rtf)
GPMP - Kidney Disease for MD (Item 721) (.rtf)
GPMP - Osteoarthritis (Item 721) (.rtf)
GPMP - Osteoporosis (Item 721) (.rtf)
GPMP - Palliative Care (Item 721) (.rtf)
GPMP Review (Item 732) (.rtf)
TCA - Generic (Item 723) (.rtf)
TCA - Asthma (Item 723) (.rtf)
TCA - CHD (Item 723) (.rtf)
TCA - Depression/Anxiety (Item 723) (.rtf)
TCA - Diabetes (Item 723) (.rtf)
TCA - Osteoarthritis (Item 723) (.rtf)
TCA - Osteoporosis (Item 723) (.rtf)
TCA Review (Item 732) (.rtf)
GPMP/TCA Generic (Items 721 & 723) (.rtf) - October 2010
GPMP/TCA - Hypertension (Items 721 & 723) (.rtf) - October 2010
GPMP/TCA - COPD (.rtf)
Team Care Arrangement Refusal Letter (.rtf) - Aug 2008 - a letter to health professionals explaining the correct procedure for initiation of TCA's
Letter to AHPs regarding ineligable patients (.rtf) - November 2009
Letter to AHPs regarding patients with existing care plans(.rtf) - November 2009
COPD Action Plan (.rtf) - October 2010
Get Healthy Referral Form - 'Get Healthy' Information and Coaching service - December 2009
Asthma Foundation Referral Service - link to Asthma Foundation website
Aged Care
Comprehensive Medical Assessment (.rtf) - NEVDGP version - now includes time based item numbers - June 2010
NAT:PD-C (.rtf) - Needs Assessment Tool: Progressive Disease - Cancer - June 2010
CHIME Referral Form (.doc) - a paper-based version
CHIME Referral Form (.rtf) - template version - Oct 2012
Advanced Care Plan for person capable - June 2013 (.pdf)
Advanced Care Plan for person incapable - June 2013 (.pdf)
ACAT Intake Form (.doc) - a paper-based version
ACAT Intake Form (.rtf) - template version - Oct 2012
Palliative Care
NAT:PD-C (.rtf) - Needs Assessment Tool: Progressive Disease - Cancer - June 2010
GPMP - Palliative Care (Item 721) (.rtf)
Aboriginal Health
ATSI Practice Incentive Program Patient Registration (.rtf) - July 2010
ATSI Practice Incentive Program Patient Consent (.rtf) - July 2010
ATSI Practice Incentive Program Patient Withdrawal (.rtf) - July 2010
ATSI Patient Letter (.rtf) - February 2011 - A letter practices can use to send to ATSI patients explaining the Indigenous PIP and PBS Co-Payment measure and introducing the services of RDGPs Aboriginal Outreach Worker
Child Health Check Screen (.pdf) - DoHA template - March 2011
15-54 Adult Health Check Screen (.pdf) - DoHA template - March 2011
55+ Health Check Screen (.pdf) - DoHA template - March 2011
Home Medication Review
DMMR Referral with Patient Information Sheet (.rtf) - October 2009 - includes a sheet at the end of the template that can be given to the patient explaining the process and cost of a Home Medicines Review.
Health Assessments
Health Assessment (.rtf) - (75+, ATSI 0-4, ATSI 15-55, ATSI 55+) - now includes time based item numbers - June 2010
Health Assessment for the Intellectually Disabled (Item 718) (.rtf) - now includes time based item numbers - June 2010
Refugee Health Assessment (.rtf) - now includes time based item numbers
Allied Health EPC Items
Health Checks
45-49 Health Check (.rtf) - now includes time based item numbers - June 2010
45-49 'At risk' Recall Letter (.rtf) - a letter that can be sent to patients identified as having a risk factor of developing a chronic disease
45-49 'May have a risk factor' Recall Letter (.rtf) - a letter that can be sent to patients within the age range and may have one of the risk factors of developing a chronic disease
45-49 Reminder Letter for 49yr old patients (.rtf) - a letter to 49yr old patients reminding them of the health check before they turn 50 and are no longer eligable
Healthy Kids Check (.rtf) no logo
Healthy Kids Check (.rtf)
Healthy Kids Check Recall Letter (.rtf) - letter that can be sent to parents/carers of the 4yr old
Oral Health GP Referral (.pdf) - NSW Early Childhood Oral Health Referral Form - June 2010
Mental Health
Common Referral Form - Murrumbidgee Mental Health Drug & Alcohol Alliance
K10 (.rtf)
HONOS Score Sheet (.rtf)
MPHN Child Treatment Plan (.rtf) - Item 44
Mental Health Treatment Plan
Breastscreen NSW
Diabetes Management
NDSS Referral Form (.rtf) - MPHN version - October 2009
Ambulance Authorised Care Plans
MPHN Specific
RDS Colonoscopy and/or Gastroscopy Direct Access Referral Form (.rtf) - Riverina Day Surgery - October 2019
Mr Henry Hicks Colorectal and General Surgeon Direct Access Referral (.rtf) November 2019
Wagga Base Hospital Pulmonary Rehabilitation Referral Form (.rtf) - October 2009
Active Physiotherapy Referral Form (.rtf) - October 2009
Wagga Base EEG Request / Report (.rtf) - October 2010
MPHN CCSS GP Referral Form (.rtf)
MPHN Parkinson's Support Nurse (.rtf) - September 2014
Pain Management Provider Survey (.docx)
Vitality Passport Referral Form (.docx)
MLHD CCIS Referral Form (.rtf)
MLHD CCIS Referral Form (.docx)
Griffith Aboriginal Medical Service - Drug & Alcohol Program - Client Referral (.rtf)
WARATAH Referral Form - BP (.rtf)
WARATAH Referral Form - MD (.rtf)
Community Paediatric GP Support
EPiPC email support (.rtf)
Andrew Heap
Senior Manager, Primary Care Engagement
02 6923 3131
Vimal Pasupathy
Digital Health Officer
0448 915 503