Winter Strategy
The Influenza Immunisation Season has now commenced
Vaccination against influenza is important this year with the Australian community potentially more vulnerable to the virus.
Annual influenza vaccination is recommended for all people aged 6 months and over (unless contraindicated). The National Immunisation Program (NIP) funds influenza vaccines for people most at risk.
Influenza Immunisation – available clinical resources for practices
The following clinical information and resources are available to support immunisation providers:
2025 influenza vaccination – Program advice for vaccination providers
Getting vaccinated against influenza - resource collection 2025
National Immunisation Program Schedule (updated)
SKAI communication package: Conversations with parents and pregnant women around influenza vaccination.
National Hand Hygiene Initiative factsheets
Three NHHI factsheets have been designed to provide information on the importance of hand hygiene for patients and carers, children and carers, and mental health workers.
These new factsheets are available on the Commission’s website, along with other resources, including posters, presentations and videos, here.
Influenza Immunisation – available promotional resources for practices
As part of Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network’s (MPHN) Winter Strategy 2024, we have developed the following resources for participating general practices to use:
Social Media Tiles
Download Winter Strategy social tiles, poster and TV commercial here
The following resources can also be downloaded:
ATAGI advice on seasonal influenza vaccines
The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) has developed advice for immunisation providers regarding the administration of 2022 seasonal influenza vaccines.
It includes information about:
the influenza vaccines available for use in Australia in 2022, by age
influenza virus strains included in the 2022 seasonal influenza vaccines
timing of vaccination, including for travel and co-administration with COVID-19 vaccines
vaccination for pregnant women
eligibility for influenza vaccines funded under the National Immunisation Program (NIP)
medical conditions that are associated with an increased risk of influenza complications.
Latest winter strategy news
Infectious Diseases
Infectious Diseases Request/ Referral Pages
Respiratory Request/Referral Pages
Learn more about accessing HealthPathways here.