Workforce Program

Where medicine meets meaning: Your future in the Murrumbidgee

Experience connection and purpose in regional NSW

The MPHN Workforce Program supports activities in relation to the recruitment of general practitioners, practice nurses and allied health providers.

Available services include:

  • Facilitation and support for recruitment and retention of GPs to local practices.

  • Respond to queries regarding the recruitment process, including overseas trained doctors.

  • Processing Area of Need Requests

  • Assistance with Distribution Priority Areas.

  • Assistance to general practices with the registration process of International Medical Graduates.

  • Support for newly arrived practitioners with orientation to the local community.

  • Family support services for health professionals who are new to the area.

  • Assisting general practitioners source locums

  • Assistance and support for clinical placements for medical undergraduates, nursing and allied health students.

Workforce Planning and Prioritisation (WPP) Program

GP Workforce Planning and Prioritisation (GP WPP) consortiums have been established by the Department of Health and Aged Care to provide advice and analysis on Workforce Need, Training Capacity and Training Pathways across the country.  Murrumbidgee PHN is part of the NSW/ACT Consortium which is lead by ACT PHN.

The GP WPP activity is supporting college-led general practice training by providing independent, regionally-based data and analysis to inform the distribution and placement of registrars training on the Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) Program.

The GP WPP activity will:

  • Provide advice and analysis on GP catchments in greatest need of general practitioner services to inform the distribution of AGPT program registrars

  • Provide advice and analysis on the training capacity in each PHN region, which will assist the training colleges match registrars to suitable training placements and inform training capacity building activities. It is not mandating where placements must or will occur.

  • Map training pathways in each PHN region, to assist training colleges support registrars with suitable training options.

How can you be involved

Stakeholder feedback and comment is integral to providing the Department with a locally nuanced perspective of workforce factors effecting the Murrumbidgee region.  GP Supervisors, GPs, Practice Managers, Registrars, Students and Community are all encouraged to engage with the WPP manager to provide comment.


Jeanette Lautier

Manager, Workforce Planning & Prioritisation
0428 275 540