Parkinson's Support Nurse
What is Parkinson's disease?
80,000 people in Australia are known to be living with Parkinson's. Parkinson’s is most commonly diagnosed around the age of 65, although 20% are diagnosed are under the age of 50, and 10% are diagnosed under the age of 40.
Parkinson's Support Nurse
Murrumbidgee PHN provides funding to the Murrumbidgee Local Health District (MLHD) to deliver a Parkinson’s Support Nurse Service.
The aim of the Parkinson’s Support Nurse Service is to assist people diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease (and their carers and families) to navigate the health system through care coordination and the provision of information to maximise self-management, as well as providing linkages to ongoing support services.
The outcomes sought from the Parkinson’s Support Nurse Service are:
improved coordination of care for people living with a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease living in the Murrumbidgee region
integration of the service with GPs, specialists, MLHD Parkinson’s clinic, allied health providers and other services commissioned by MPHN.
The Nurse works collaboratively with patients, family members, general practice, MLHD, Indigenous Health Services specialists and all other relevant services to assist in the provision of care that supports people living with Parkinson’s disease to optimally manage their health.
Please contact the Murrumbidgee Local Health District’s Community Care Services Intake line for further details or to make a referral: Phone: 02 5943 1621
How can the Parkinson's nurse help you?
The Support Nurse will:
link you into a local Parkinson's support group in your community
identify issues that need to be assessed by a medical practitioner, and send a recommendation letter to your GP
attend a case conference with your GP if required
provide you with referrals to relevant allied health staff
provide information and education about Parkinson's Disease
provide support and advice to you over the phone
follow up if necessary regarding your referrals
provide your carer with referrals if needed.