
As part of the MPHN commissioning role, Tenders, or Requests for Proposals, or Expression of Interest documents will be released periodically for the delivery of primary health care programs or services.

Details for each tender, including instructions and method of lodgement, can be accessed through MPHN’s TenderLink e-Procurement portal. If you register with our e-Procurement portal you will automatically be notified whenever a relevant tender opportunity is released by MPHN

Are you seeking funding for an idea?

Requests for funding for service delivery that occurs outside of MPHN’s formal commissioning approach to market can be submitted as an unsolicited proposal.

MPHN understands that local providers view the primary health sector from a unique perspective that enables them to identify emerging service needs from time to time. MPHN seeks to develop the local market by supporting providers to design innovative services that meet these emerging needs. 

‘Unsolicited proposals’ is a process that enables providers to trial innovative initiatives to deliver effective health outcomes for the community, outside of a formal approach to market. The process also ensures proposals are considered for funding in a fair and transparent manner and that outcomes are linked to priority needs of the region. 

MPHN’s response to unsolicited proposals will be in line with our commissioning principles outlined in our Commissioning Framework consistent our organisational vision, values and strategic goals, along with our commitment to supporting vulnerable populations. For a proposal to be considered it must align with the needs identified in our Needs Assessment and propose innovative value for money solutions. 

An unsolicited proposal should show innovation and their unique placement to deliver the activity and achieve outcomes, justifying MPHN’s departure from a competitive tender processes.  If a proposal can readily be delivered by competitors then it will not be sufficient to be considered as an unsolicited proposal.

All unsolicited proposals will be assessed against an agreed assessment criteria and in accordance with the defined procedure. Any allocations will depend on availability of funding in the financial year, commissioning priorities and available capacity. All funding provided is dependent on continued funding from the Australian Government Department of Health.

If you are seeking funding for a service that delivers effective health outcomes for the community, you can apply for an unsolicited proposal here.

Before applying, we encourage you to read the Unsolicited Proposal Fact Sheet for further information about the application and evaluation process.

If you have any enquiries about the Unsolicited Proposals Fact Sheet, please contact Donna Jeffery, MPHN Procurement Lead, on 02 6923 3125 or donna.jeffery@mphn.org.au.

Current tenders

Murrumbidgee Suicide Prevention Toolkit for Community RFP


The Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network (MPHN) is committed to advancing community-based suicide prevention and postvention activities through a regional approach that aligns with identified local needs and best practice. As part of this effort, MPHN is commissioning the development of a Murrumbidgee Suicide Prevention Toolkit for Community.

The Toolkit will provide community members, groups, organisations, and stakeholders with practical resources, essential information, and evidence-based guidance to build their capacity to deliver effective suicide prevention and postvention activities, tailored to their local context.  


MPHN are seeking proposals from suitably experienced consultants to develop a Murrumbidgee Suicide Prevention Toolkit for Community.

To view the RFP Guidance Document, please register on the MPHN e procurement portal, Tenderlink, via this link:  https://www.tenderlink.com/mphn


Enquiries relating to this Request for Proposals must be directed via the online forum.


Submissions close at 3.00pm AEDT 7 February 2025.

Universal Aftercare for Priority Populations RFP


Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network has received funding to expand aftercare services in line with the National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Agreement and resulting NSW Bilateral Schedule.

In response to available data the joint MPHN and Murrumbidgee Local Health District governance group, and the joint working group tasked with overseeing the implementation of bilateral activities, have identified the need for a new aftercare service.

The new aftercare service must be evidence-based, in line with the Lived Experience of Suicide Service Guidelines for Aftercare developed by Folk and Roses in the Ocean and consider the Agency for Clinical Innovation (ACI) Universal Aftercare Draft NSW Service Delivery Model.


MPHN is seeking a suitably experienced provider to deliver an evidence-based aftercare service aligned with industry best practice and targeted to support the identified priority populations.

To view the RFP Guidance Document, please register on the MPHN e procurement portal, Tenderlink, via this link:  https://www.tenderlink.com/mphn


Enquiries relating to this Request for Proposals must be directed via the online forum.


Submissions close at 3.00pm AEDT 14 February 2025.

Standard Terms and Conditions

MPHN Service Agreement Terms and Conditions form part of a contract schedule for a commissioned service. The standard terms and conditions support commissioned service providers to achieve their contractual obligations. 

These documents are provided for information purposes only. They are the standard contract terms used by firsthealth limited trading as MPHN as at 1 November 2023. The terms are subject to change and providers should review the specific terms issued for each specific activity. 


Standard terms and conditions for commissioned activity delivering clinical services.

Standard terms and conditions for commissioned activity delivering auxiliary services (such as project-based activities and evaluations).