Healthy ageing for community
Initiatives, Projects and Activities
The Vitality Passport is a lifestyle program aimed to reduce or halt the progression of frailty and falls for older people. Back on Track Physiotherapy delivers this program in various communities, more information can be found here.
Telehealth – Primary Health Networks across Australia have been funded to support Residential Aged Care Facilities (RACFs) to increase availability and use of telehealth care for aged care residents.
Care finder activity is part of the Australian Government’s response to the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. MPHN has been provided specific funding to support older people navigate the aged care system and find support services to improve their quality of life across the Murrumbidgee region.
Advance Care Planning helps to ensure your loved ones and health providers know what matters most to you and respect your treatment preferences.
My Aged Care is your starting point to access government-funded aged care services.
My Health Record lets you control your health information securely, in one place. This means your important health information is available when and where it’s needed, including in an emergency.
Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) - helps you to understand and exercise your rights, access aged care services and solve aged care problems.
Dementia Australia is the national peak body for people impacted by dementia in Australia. They support and empower Australians living with dementia and the people who are involved in their care.
Navigation and assisted access to services:
Care finder supports vulnerable, older members of our community who currently find it difficult to navigate and access services and who do not have an existing support network (family or friends) to help them.
Carer Gateway provides a range of free services and support just for carers. Department of Veterans Affairs offer a range of care services that can help you stay in your home or support your return home after a hospital stay. Services can also help carers, or guide your move into residential aged care.
Elder Rights Advocacy provides specialist Aged Care Navigation to help you or someone you know understand and navigate the aged care system.
EnCOMPASS Multicultural Aged Care Connector program is a partnership between FECCA (Federation of Ethnic Communities Council of Australia) and local community organisations to provide navigational support to older people of Culturally And Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds and their communities to access the aged care system and other supports.
National Aged Care Advocacy Program (NACAP) provides free and confidential advocacy support to older people and their carers. It also helps aged care service providers to understand their responsibilities and the consumer rights of the people they care for.
Senior Rights Service provides free and confidential advice, aged care advocacy and support, and legal advice to seniors across New South Wales.
Services Australia Aged Care Specialist Officers - An Aged Care Specialist Officer (ACSO) is part of My Aged Care face-to-face services. They can help with your aged care matters.
MPHN grief and bereavement brochures
Useful links
Telehealth - Telehealth is having a consultation with a healthcare provider by phone or video call. Many GPs, specialists and other healthcare providers offer telehealth consultations when a physical examination isn’t necessary. It’s not intended to replace essential visits to the doctor, but rather be a convenient solution when you can’t see a doctor face to face.
Electronic Prescriptions - An electronic prescription is a digital version of a paper prescription. During your consultation, your healthcare provider can send your electronic prescription to you as an SMS or email.
Making an Advance Care Directive - Having an Advance Care Directive will make it easier for your loved ones and health staff if they need to make decisions for you.