Allied health resources
Allied Health Professions Australia – The national voice for allied health professions.
Services for Australian Rural and Remote Allied Health (SARRAH) - online learning and resources to support allied health professionals in the unique rural health practice environment.
Department of Health and Aged Care: Allied Health Resources – includes apps, reports and publications relevant for allied health professionals.
MBS and DVA Billing – A guide on how to bill from Services Australia
MBS and Allied Health Case Conferencing – a fact sheet for AH factsheet
Transitioning to rural and remote toolkit – A paid resource from SARRAH to support service delivery in rural settings.
Rural Mental Health Enhancement Hub – The ultimate online mental health education resource for rural health students and professionals.
ClinEd Aus – Resources for Clinical Supervisors and general student supervision.
Three Rivers Department of Rural Health – offering CPD, placement models and supervision resources for clinicians.
Indigenous Allied Health Australia – the national peak body supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander allied health students and graduates, as well as the broader allied health workforce and its associate membership through Friends of IAHA membership.
Crana – The peak professional body for the remote and isolated health workforce in Australia.
Scholarships and Further Education
Rural Doctors Network: Health Workforce Scholarship Program – applications regularly open for scholarships and bursaries to help health professionals in rural and remote areas upskill to meet the needs within the local community. Available to all primary care health professionals, including allied health and private practice.
The Allied Health Rural Generalist Pathway – an overview of work led by SARRAH for an evidence-based strategy to enhance allied health skills and competencies to align with community needs.
Rural Generalist Program – James Cook University
Rural Support Programs: Pharmacy – targeted programs and services to support access to pharmacy services in rural and remote Australia
Digital Health Links
AI in Healthcare: Your professional obligations – AHPRA & National Boards
Australian Digital Health Agency – centralised information about the national digital health initiatives
Provider Connect Australia – integrate via PRODA and update your health business information in a single place.
My Health Record – learn about My Health Record or access the National Provider Portal to view records.
Practitioner Support and Wellbeing
LINKS Mentoring Program – supports emerging health professionals by partnering them with experienced mentors.
Bush Support Line – Free 24/7, 365-day phone counselling support line for the rural and remote health workforce and their families
Pharmacists’ Support Service – Free 365-day phone support related to the demands of being a Pharmacist, plus topical resources and wellbeing information.
TEN – The Essential Network for Health Professionals – Help for health professionals to find resources and support when navigating burnout + resources for maintaining good mental health – check out the self-guided mental health check-up which includes s brief assessment and links to flexible supports and services if needed.
This Way Up – Therapy on demand provided via online, evidence-based programs led by the Clinical Research Unit for Anxiety and Depression (CRUfAD), a joint facility of St Vincent’s Hospital and the University of NSW.
Student Links
Rural Health Pro – powered by the Rural Doctors Network (RDN), Rural Health Pro is about connecting and inspiring health professionals and students who care about rural communities.
Rural Health Positive (Rh+) - CSU’s cross-campus rural health club
Three Rivers Department of Rural Health – offering a range of services and programs to support health students, including allied health.
Find out why allied health students want to come back to the Murrumbidgee – boosting the allied health workforce through opportunities in the Rural Allied Health Educator Program.
Adapting Self-Care Practices During Clinical Placement – a CRANAplus module to assist students preparing for a clinical placement in a remote or isolated location.
Rural Doctors Network: Outreach Student Placement Program – Provides selected health students (including allied health) with the opportunity to shadow an Outreach Provider in a rural and remote community with travel, accommodation and subsistence costs covered for the placement.
National Rural Health Student Network – membership and resources for students of all health disciplines
Mental Health First Aid – Standard mental health first aid for tertiary students, equipping students with the knowledge, skills and confidence to respond to someone experiencing a mental health problem or crisis.
Want to bring your allied health skills to the Murrumbidgee?
The Welcome Experience – a free service supporting essential workers and their families considering or planning a move to regional NSW. Local connectors help with everything from finding housing, choosing childcare and exploring local opportunities to connect. As well as being open to Government employees AND non-Government employees in aged care, disability support and health (among other areas). Available in several LGAs within the Murrumbidgee.
Country Change – Thinking of a tree change? Find stories, information and resources as you consider a move to the Murrumbidgee.