John Flynn Scholarship student

What a pleasure it was to meet Eleanor (Ella) Warwick recently. Ella is a John Flynn Scholarship medical student – 2nd year University of Newcastle. The John Flynn Scholarship two week placement occurs each year from 1st – 4th year and is designed to promote familiarity with students returning to the same practice location each year.

This is Ella’s second placement at Finley Medical Centre, her second home, as she fondly refers. With her studies in public health and the health inequalities in rural/regional areas, Ella is keen to experience a rural medical placement and hear about MPHN activities. She is a member of the Rural Health Club and National Rural Health Student Network, University of Newcastle.

We wish Ella all the best for her future studies and look forward to her return to Finley Medical Centre in 2018. Please remember all medical students on placement are welcome to attend MPHN events during their time in the region.

From left: Maureen Bevan, Sandra Gray, Melita Cowan, Ella Warwick and Elyse Price

Cristy Houghton