Taking the pulse on communities’ needs

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After completing an extensive health needs assessment across the Murrumbidgee region, Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network (MPHN) has released its latest findings; identifying priorities for the region and individual Local Government Areas (LGAs) where efforts should be concentrated to address key issues and healthcare needs.

MPHN CEO Melissa Neal said the health needs assessment uses a population approach to needs assessment using person-centred planning with a strong commitment to community input.

“We also worked with key partners and health professionals to gather information and feedback to assist with this important research,” Ms Neal said.

MPHN also sources information from Australian Bureau of Statistics and Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, which assists with comparison between different LGAs within our region and also compares us to the state and national averages.

“Use of an LGA approach ensures we are working as close as possible in alignment with the health clusters of the Murrumbidgee Local Health District; allowing a more considered coordinated approach to services and reduces the duplication of service delivery,” Ms Neal said.

Once all information is gathered and analysed by MPHN, data is provided back to communities and health providers for validation of the developed priorities from the data.

“Inequality in healthcare remains a significant issue for many areas in the Murrumbidgee region and this comprehensive profiling allows us to identify those areas, find gaps of need and services, and address these to support better health outcomes for those living in these areas.”

For more information and to access the Regional Profile, Regional Databook, and the profiles and databooks of each LGA visit https://mphn.org.au/publications.

Cristy Houghton