Murrumbidgee Pitch Night postponed

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The Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network’s (MPHN) Pitch Night has been postponed until next year, due to the restrictions in place to limit the spread of COVID-19.

Pitch Night, which had been initially scheduled for 3 June, aims to provide grassroots funding to three innovative projects determined by local people.

MPHN CEO Melissa Neal said the decision to postpone Pitch Night was unfortunate but necessary.

“It’s a shame to have to postpone such an exciting event, but as a primary health network our priority is to do everything we can to help limit the spread of COVID-19,” Ms Neal said.

“I was really inspired by the grassroots health initiatives funded by Pitch Night last year and I’m looking forward to hearing about more innovative ideas from community organisations next year.”

Cristy Houghton