Seniors festival wins the 2022 Murrumbidgee Grant of the Year — Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network

Seniors festival wins the 2022 Murrumbidgee Grant of the Year

A collection of community driven activities designed for older people has won the 2022 Murrumbidgee Grant of the Year award.

The Festival of Seniors was delivered by Greater Hume Council with the assistance of a Community Grant with the aim of providing mental health and wellbeing benefits to communities of Henty, Culcairn, Walla Walla, Jindera and Holbrook.

MPHN Board Chair Dr Jodi Culbert congratulated those involved with the festival on winning the award.

“The Festival of Seniors is a worthy recipient and is a wonderful example of community spirit and collaboration to address issues around isolation and it’s impacts on older people,” Dr Culbert said.

“We are so pleased to see how a community grant can assisting like-minded people to develop and deliver activity that empowers those in the community who may be vulnerable such as older residents.”

Greater Hume Shire Library and Youth Team Leader Susan Kane was thrilled to accept the award on behalf of the festival committee.

“We thank MPHN for the support they have provided in the form of this grant and the recognition of the hard work undertaken to create the festival,’ Ms Kane said.

“Under this program the people of our communities were able to come together after a time of isolation and loneliness to engage in conversations, connecting with new and old friends in a safe and enjoyable setting.”

MPHN would also like to congratulate finalist Lockhart Local Health Advisory Committee who In response to the COVID-19 pandemic developed and delivered the ‘What makes us Stronger’ webinar featuring Olympic gold medallist Cate Campbell. Cate and guests discussed how to cope when something unexpected happens and empowered the participants to talk about mental health, resilience, overcoming adversity, leadership and teamwork, motivation, and inspiration.

AwardsCristy Houghton