Gidget Foundation wins the 2021 Primary Healthcare Award for Innovation — Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network

Gidget Foundation wins the 2021 Primary Healthcare Award for Innovation

An alternate workforce initiative by the Gidget Foundation has won the 2021 Murrumbidgee Primary Healthcare Award for Innovation.

After identifying there were alternative clinicians in the region who could potentially deliver an appropriate and high quality clinical perinatal psychological service but who were currently unable to bill under Medicare’s Better Access Initiative, the Gidget Foundation proposed and implemented an innovative initiative to expand access and expand services for the Murrumbidgee region.

Acting MPHN Board Chair Rene Pennock congratulated Gidget Foundation on winning the award.

“The Innovation category recognises activities promoting new or creative ways to improve health and wellbeing in the community,” Mr Pennock said.

“Gidget Foundation have demonstrated tremendous agility with this initiative in order to maintain a high level of care for the people of the region.”

Gidget Foundation Program Director Michaela Durrant was thrilled to accept the award.

“The Alternative Workforce Program has allowed us to better utilise the wonderful expertise and resources we have in the region to grow capacity and support more expectant and new parents in need,’ Ms Durrant said.

“We are honoured to be recognised for this innovative approach to solving what was a critical issue and please to now be able to assist more people across the Murrumbidgee region.”

AwardsCristy Houghton