Thank your GP this World Family Doctor Day

The fundamental work of general practitioners and their contribution to improving community health will be recognised around the globe tomorrow, Thursday 19 May 2022 as part of World Family Doctor Day.

MPHN Chief Executive Officer Melissa Neal said World Family Doctor Day is an opportunity for local communities around the Murrumbidgee region to honour their local GPs for keeping them and their community healthy.

“We know our GPs, practice nurses and practice staff work tirelessly in our local communities to ensure their patients receive regular health checks in safe surroundings, all while managing the ever-changing COVID-19 situation,” Ms Neal said.

“I would like to join with communities across the Murrumbidgee to thank our local GPs and their staff for their continued dedication, persistence, and resilience in what has been a couple of challenging years.”

“We have also seen a number of local GPs serve their communities by participating in the COVID-19 and influenza vaccination rollout to combat COVID-19 and influenza peaks during winter.”

Wagga Wagga general practitioner and Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network (MPHN) Board Chair Dr Jodi Culbert said World Family Doctor Day provides a timely reminder of the unique role general practitioners play in their communities, providing valuable continuity and co-ordination of care to patients in all stages of their lives.

“My fellow GP colleagues have not hesitated to step up and be there for our communities by providing COVID vaccinations and care for COVID positive patients in the community, in addition to their usual work supporting the regular health needs of our communities. Local GPs have exemplified the theme of World Family Doctor Day 2022 – Family Doctors, Always There to Care,” Dr Culbert said.

“We know some of our patients have put their regular health needs and check-ups on hold throughout the pandemic, and collectively we are encouraging everyone to check in with their health and maintain routine screening tests like skin, breast, bowel, and cervical, and immunisations like flu, COVID-19 and early childhood vaccinations.”

Flu and COVID-19 vaccinations are provided at local GPs and pharmacies around the Murrumbidgee.

Cristy Houghton