Do your loved ones a favour: make the tough healthcare decisions now

If you suddenly became seriously ill or unable to communicate, would your loved ones know what kind of medical care you would want or prefer to avoid? If your answer is no, it might be time to discuss advance care planning. 

Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network (MPHN) is encouraging locals to participate in National Advance Care Planning Week, from 17 to 23 March 2025, by discussing and planning for their future healthcare preferences. 

According to Advance Care Planning Australia, almost 50% of Australians will be unable to make their own end-of-life decisions, but only 15% have an advance care directive; a legally binding document outlining your wishes for treatment and care. Studies show men are less likely than women to have completed an advance care directive. 

MPHN Healthy Ageing and Palliative Care Manager Shelley Gledhill said having an advance care directive ensures you receive the care you want, even if you become unable to communicate. 

“It takes all the guesswork out of an emotional time for your loved ones,” Ms Gledhill said. 

“Love doesn’t replace knowledge. People who love each other often have no idea of each other's wishes in the event of a life-threatening illness or injury because it's not something we really talk about. 

“By having these conversations, and making an advance care directive, you’ll be easing the burden on your family. They won’t need to stress about whether they’ve made the right decisions on your behalf.” 

Writing an advance care directive ensures your loved ones and medical team understand and respect your treatment preferences. It outlines your care wishes, values, and goals while allowing you to formally appoint a substitute decision-maker for when you can no longer make decisions yourself. 

Advance Care Planning Australia is an Australian Government initiative and has resources on how to start the conversation with your loved ones, and health providers. For free advice or to get a free starter pack, call the National Advance Care Planning Support Service on 1300 208 582. 

“Make the tough healthcare calls now, and you can get on with your life, knowing everything is in place,” Ms Gledhill said. 

To learn more about advance care planning and how to get started, visit Advance Care Planning Australia at 

Margot Schoonmaker