My Health Record
My Health Record commenced on 1 July 2012. Like many similar initiatives around the world, it is a secure, online summary of an individual’s health information. It can be viewed by treating healthcare providers, including doctors, nurses and pharmacists across Australia. MyHealth Record is a secure, electronic record of a patient's medical history, stored and shared in a network of connected systems. The Health Record will bring key health information from a number of different systems together and present it in a single view. Comprehensive information for providers is available on the My Health Record website
Information you can access through My Health Record includes:
Shared Health Summary: A summary, authored by the treating doctor, of an individual’s health status including adverse reactions, medicines, medical history and immunisations
Hospital Discharge Summaries: A record of an individual’s hospital stay and any follow up treatment required
Diagnostic reports: Such as pathology and imaging results
Prescriptions and dispense information: Such as dosages and frequency
Event Summaries: Clinical summaries of health events entered by the healthcare provider who was involved in the patient’s care to inform other treating healthcare providers
Specialist letters: Referral letters and reports from one treating healthcare provider to another