MyMedicare – General Practice Aged Care Incentive


The General Practice Aged Care Incentive (GP-ACI) is aimed at supporting older people living in residential aged care.

It helps them receive quality primary care services from their regular provider and practice, by providing eligible providers, who are registered with MyMedicare and can deliver on service requirements, with incentives to see patients in a residential aged care home.

  • Enhanced care services: Providers participating in this initiative can take advantage of rural loadings and rebates for longer and more complex Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) items. Eligible practices are also entitled to the triple bulk billing incentive, introduced in November 2023, for each bulk-billed standard consultation with aged care residents.

  • Benefits for older adults: Residents in aged care will benefit from improved healthcare through regular visits, comprehensive care planning, and health assessments. This approach is designed to strengthen continuity of care and reduce hospitalisations.

  • Financial support: Eligible providers and practices will receive payments for services delivered to aged care residents, alongside additional funding to support high-quality care management within aged care facilities.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are available for Aged Care Providers, GP’s and practices, and consumers and carers.

Registration and implementation details

Providers and practices who are providing care to permanent residents in residential aged care homes can begin registering for GP-ACI from 1 July 2024.

Whilst MyMedicare, and the General Practice Aged Care Incentive require a practice to be accredited, an exemption is in place until 30 June 2025. This will enable ‘non-traditional practices’ such as mobile general practitioners providing essential visiting services to residents in Residential Aged Care Homes to participate in MyMedicare, and the General Practice Aged Care Incentive. Follow the links below to:

  1. Register your organisation with Services Australia, and

  2. Register for the General Practice Aged Care Incentive.


Transition from PIP GP ACAI

The Practice Incentives Program General Practitioner Aged Care Access Incentive (PIP GP ACAI) will end on 31 July 2024. The final payment for this incentive will be processed in August 2024, covering the reference period from 1 May to 31 July 2024.

Eligible GPs are advised to update their bank details promptly to ensure timely payment. After the PIP GP ACAI ends, GPs will have three payment quarters to claim any outstanding payments. Any amounts unclaimed after this period will be forfeited.

Overlap period eligibility

Practices and providers may be eligible to receive payments under both PIP GP ACAI and the MyMedicare General Practice Aged Care Incentive for services delivered during the overlap period, provided they meet specific eligibility and servicing requirements.

Short video series

The following short (2 - 5 minute) video series produced by South East Melbourne PHN featuring Dr Billy Stoupas quickly explains MyMedicare and the General Practice Aged Care Incentive from the perspective of a GP.

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Maintaining and improving access to care for residents living in aged care is a priority for MPHN. We invite non-traditional practices, particularly those delivering essential visiting care services to Residential Aged Care Homes to contact us at for information and to explore options for participating in accreditation and the General Practice Aged Care Incentive.