Centrelink benefits
Carer Allowance is a supplementary payment if you care for someone who needs daily support.
This fortnightly payment is for you if you give support and care to someone either:
with disability
with a medical condition
who’s frail aged.
This payment is for you if the person you care for needs ongoing daily care for at least 12 months or has a terminal medical condition.
As the carer, you’ll need to:
meet residence rules
provide daily care and attention to someone who needs it in their home, or your home.
To claim Carer Allowance you need to first check your eligibility - https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/how-to-claim-carer-allowance?context=21811 . To claim online go to your myGov account, alternatively call the Disability, sickness, and carers line on 132 717, or attend your local service centre in person.