Allied health education and training

Continuing professional development (CPD) events play a pivotal role in the ongoing growth and excellence of allied health practitioners. These events provide a platform for practitioners to stay abreast of the latest advancements, research, and best practices in their respective fields. By participating in CPD activities, allied health professionals can refine their skills, expand their knowledge base, and embrace innovative approaches to patient care. Additionally, these events foster networking opportunities, allowing practitioners to connect with peers, share experiences, and collaborate on tackling challenges within the dynamic healthcare landscape.

At MPHN, we understand the significance of CPD in maintaining high standards of care. We actively explore ways to engage allied health professionals in the co-design and delivery of CPD initiatives. By involving practitioners directly, we ensure that CPD programs align with their needs, challenges, and aspirations.

Allied health CPD events

We offer, and connect allied health with education, training, and networking events. See below for upcoming opportunities. 

External allied health CPD events

Other MPHN CPD Events