LHAC Forum
MPHN and Murrumbidge Local Health District (MLHD) hosted the 10th Local Health Advisory Committee (LHAC) Forum in Narrandera 6 and 7 April 2017. LHACs provide an important link between health provider organisations and the community. The forum’s emphasis was Happier, Healthier Communities including how to attract and retain GPs. Dr Joe Romeo’s passionate presentation highlighted the importance of communities in supporting GPs and their families who choose to move to a rural community.
MPHN CEO James Lamerton’s presentation regarding the concept of Health Care Homes and Health Care Neighbourhoods provided delegates with an insight into alternative models of care for people experiencing chronic disease. People with chronic and complex health conditions often need services from different health professionals working in different parts of the system. Health Care Homes support enrolled patients and their carers to be active partners in their care. This includes providing patients with the knowledge, skills and support they need to make decisions about their health and keep healthy.
MPHN and MLHD are working with GPs and the community to improve cancer screening rates across the Murrumbidgee. Acknowledging the critical role LHACs play in connecting health services with the community, James Lamerton announced $1,000 will be available to each LHAC to assist with marketing awareness of screening for bowel, breast and cervical cancers. Funding will be available from May 2017.