HPV immunisation rates

Healthy Communities recently released their findings from a report on Human papillomavirus immunisation rates in 2014-2015. The report analysed data on girls aged 15 who were fully immunised against HPV across the 31 Primary Health Networks and 80 smaller areas of geography. The percentage of rates varied, however there was an increase in uptake of the vaccinations from previous years.

The national rate for girls aged 15 years fully immunised against HPV was 78.6%. Murrumbidgee produced the highest rate of girls fully immunised at 86.3% compared to the lowest rate in Tasmania at 67.2%.

This report also included boys for the first time. Nationally 67.3% of boys were fully immunised. The highest rate was 77.8% in Gippsland and the lowest was 56.5% in the Northern Territory.

The full report is available at My Healthy Communities
