Plans to review allied health services in the region — Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network

Plans to review allied health services in the region

Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network (MPHN) is reviewing its current allied health service delivery approach to ensure people across the region have better access to these health services.

MPHN CEO Melissa Neal said it’s important to review and adapt where appropriate how MPHN commissions allied health services and she is calling on community members to help guide any changes to the existing service model.

“We are aware current allied health services are not always easy to access for everyone in our region, particularly for those who are in at risk or vulnerable populations,” Ms Neal said.

“An allied health provider could include a physiotherapist, dietitian, podiatrist, diabetes educator or asthma educator.

“It’s expected, with the assistance of local community members and healthcare providers, a streamlined approach to our commissioned allied health services will ensure people living in the Murrumbidgee will have equitable and easy access to receive this care.

“At the end of the day, we want to ensure any allied health service delivery model improves coordination of services and produces better health outcomes for patients and communities.

“To ensure we do end up having such results we are calling on community members and healthcare providers to provide feedback on existing allied health services in their local communities via a survey.

 “I encourage those who currently use, or have a loved one using an allied health service in our region to complete the survey and have your voice heard,” she said.

People can also register their interest to be involved in community workshops scheduled in various locations across the region commencing late February and into early March. Alternatively, at any time you can provide feedback on local health services direct to MPHN through its Health Needs Assessment tool HNA Live.

If you want to provide more feedback about your local allied health experiences, please email

Complete the community survey here. Survey closes on Wednesday, 13 February 2019.

Complete the community survey here. Survey closes on Wednesday, 13 February 2019.