MPHN supports International Women’s Day 2019


Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network (MPHN) celebrates International Women’s Day by hearing from its two most senior female leaders, CEO Melissa Neal and recently elected Board Chair Dr Jodi Culbert.

MPHN CEO Melissa Neal said she feels proud to lead an organisation with a number of women employees, members and directors, past present and future.

“MPHN has a long history of supporting women in the workplace, and has seen several women serve in leadership positions as part of our senior management team and executive,” Ms Neal said.

“Yet, having a workplace supporting the careers of women, is only part of a woman’s individual support network. Women wear many hats in their life outside of the workforce, and I know I would not be the woman I am today without the network I have around me including family, friends and my work colleagues.

“Everyone has a role in breaking down stereotypes to create equal rights and opportunities for women, and I would like to acknowledge women everywhere, and those who continue to strive for a gender balance being the norm,” she said.  

MPHN Board Chair, Dr Jodi Culbert said women have much to contribute to society and everything women participate in helps pave the way for women into the future.

“It’s taken me many years, with various levels of involvement in organisations and committees to gain the right experience and skills for the role I currently have in the organisation,” Dr Culbert said.

“I would certainly encourage women across the Murrumbidgee to not be afraid to make a contribution, no matter how big or small, in your communities. It may be helping out with a school working bee, or taking up a position on the school’s Parents and Friends Committee, or maybe it’s about becoming a member of your professional body and attending meetings or networking opportunities, or maybe you want to get more involved with philanthropic or volunteer work in your local community.

“Whatever you are passionate about, know that women can make valuable contributions to our society, which will make a difference to how women are seen and heard into the future,” Dr Culbert said.

For more about International Women’s Day here:

Cristy Houghton