New groups eligible as National COVID-19 vaccination rollout expands

Vaccination hubs and general practices across the Murrumbidgee region will now be offering COVID-19 vaccinations to several new groups under the next phase of the National Vaccination Rollout.

As of 8 June 2021, people in the following groups are now eligible to access a COVID-19 vaccine:

1.    people aged 40-49 years not otherwise eligible;
2.    all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 16 to 49 years;
3.    NDIS participants aged 16 years and over and carers aged 16 years and over of NDIS participants of any age; and
4.    temporary visa holders aged under 50 years who are currently in Australia and have been approved for return travel to Australia through the travel exemption process.

This is in addition to the groups who were already eligible for vaccination, which includes all adults aged 50 and over; health care workers and their household members; aged care and disability care residents and staff; people over 16 years with an underlying medical condition or significant disability, quarantine and border workers; and critical and high risk workers over 16 years of age.

The expansion of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout comes as an additional five general practices in the Murrumbidgee region will commence administering COVID-19 vaccinations in June, bringing the total number of vaccinating general practices to 72.

Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network (MPHN) Acting CEO Julie Redway is encouraging all people who are now eligible to consider booking an appointment for a vaccination as soon as possible.

“This expansion of the vaccination rollout will give even more people the opportunity to protect both themselves and their community against COVID-19,” Ms Redway said.

MPHN’s COVID-19 Pandemic Lead, Dr Alison Koschel said participating general practices and vaccination hubs will work together to meet increasing demand from the new eligible cohorts.

“As local demand for vaccinations increases, we remind those eligible that vaccinations are free and accessible via the Vaccination Hubs in Wagga Wagga, Gundagai, Young, Deniliquin and Griffith, or at another participating practice in your local community.

 “All of our participating vaccinators are prepared and appointments can be made either online or by phoning the practice or hub.”

To check your eligibility for a vaccine visit  If you are eligible for the vaccine you will be redirected to book or find a service near you.

Cristy Houghton