Murrumbidgee locals join efforts to encourage COVID-19 vaccination

Retired Federal Member for Riverina Noel Hicks has joined local health professionals to encourage eligible Murrumbidgee locals to get their COVID-19 vaccination as part of a new marketing campaign by Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network (MPHN).

Mr Hicks, who served the Riverina as federal MP for 18 years, had no hesitation in playing a role encouraging people to consider getting vaccinated.

“I felt there was an opportunity to positively contribute to this campaign by lending my voice and encouraging people to roll up their sleeves just as I have done,” Mr Hicks said.

“Whether they be young or old, live in the city or country, all members of the community have an opportunity to make a difference by getting vaccinated as soon as they are able.”

Local Griffith GP Dr Marion Reeves, who also administers the COVID-19 vaccination at the Griffith Vaccination Hub, said raising awareness of the benefits of vaccination is critically important.

“The COVID-19 vaccine is our best way forward to keep people and communities safe and healthy during this pandemic. Our aim is to ensure people are educated and well informed so they are confident when it is their turn to receive a vaccine,” Dr Reeves said.

“My colleagues in the region’s other vaccination hubs are all well prepared and ready to vaccinate people when they become eligible.”

MPHN’s Acting CEO Julie Redway said although the COVID-19 vaccination rollout will continue to evolve, the goal of the program remains the same.

“The vaccine provides community members with effective protection against getting sick from COVID-19. We hope this campaign reminds people the pandemic is something we should remain vigilant about but also something we can address by protecting ourselves, our families and the wider community,”

“We strongly recommend people continue to monitor their eligibility, speak with their local GP for advice and book an appointment for a vaccine as soon as it is available to them.”

For more information on Murrumbidgee region vaccination hubs and participating GPs visit

Cristy Houghton