COVID-19 vaccinations in all Murrumbidgee private aged care facilities now complete

Residents of the Murrumbidgee region’s 47 private residential aged care facilities have now received their second vaccine dose against COVID-19.

Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network (MPHN) Acting CEO Julie Redway said the completion of region’s privately operated residential aged care facility residents’ COVID-19 vaccinations is a necessary and positive step forward in the national vaccine rollout. 


“It is certainly promising to see some of our most vulnerable people, aged care facility residents, receive their final doses of the COVID-19 vaccine last week,” Ms Redway said.

“The private residential aged care rollout has been a huge piece of work to coordinate, and we extend our thanks for the massive effort undertaken by each private aged care facility; including their staff, their residents and their families.”

MPHN’s COVID-19 Pandemic Lead, Dr Alison Koschel is encouraging all aged care facility staff and healthcare workers to book in for their COVID-19 vaccine as soon as possible.

“Now resident vaccinations have been completed, ensuring aged care staff and healthcare workers receive the vaccine is a crucial next step in the national rollout,” Dr Koschel said.

“The COVID-19 vaccine is available to all healthcare workers and aged care staff, and they can book an appointment either online or by phoning their chosen participating practice, vaccination hub or MLHD clinic.”

To check your eligibility for a COVID-19 vaccine, visit If you are eligible for the vaccine you will be redirected to book or find a service near you.

Cristy Houghton