Suicide prevention and self care guide for region’s first responders now available

An important new suicide prevention and self-care resource for the Murrumbidgee region’s first responders has launched today to coincide with World Suicide Prevention Day. 

The guide has been developed by the Murrumbidgee Local Response Group which includes Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network (MPHN), Murrumbidgee Local Health District (MLHD), NSW Police and Wellways in consultation with local first responders.

MPHN Senior Manager Mental Health Drug and Alcohol Anita McRae said the guide was produced to support, recognise and respond to the critical role first responders play in the community.

“This resource is a first of its kind and features a variety of important information and resources including helplines and local services, resources for safe communication and practical advice on ways to appropriately engage with and support people bereaved by suicide,” Ms McRae said.

MLHD District Community Mental Health and Drug & Alcohol Manager Alison Thorne said the manual was designed to be accessible to a wide range of emergency personnel.

“The guide has been designed to benefit all from superintendents, inspectors, commanders and sergeants to fire fighters, paramedics, RFS and SES volunteers, we believe it is vital that everyone has access to this important resource,” she said.

Riverina Police District Commander Bob Noble has praised the guide and said it is an easily accessible, local, tangible resource for first responders.

“It is going to be really useful, for first responders. If I use policing as an example we have a lot of literature and a lot of training that comes to us and it’s all very useful. But the guide is a useful generic round up of tools, indicators, of things you can do, the language you can use, and it’s easy to digest.”

Wellways Regional Manager Murrumbidgee Zoe Evans said the entire community will benefit from the guide.

“First responders are on the frontline of not only dealing with critical incidences but supporting people through the immediate aftermath. This guide will really assist with best practice in working with people who are bereaved.”

‘Frontline - Murrumbidgee Suicide Prevention and Self Care Guide for First Responders’ will be distributed through the Murrumbidgee region emergency services, local response group members and is also available online here.

If you would like to get in touch with the Murrumbidgee LRG please email

Mental healthCristy Houghton