MPHN’s plan for the next five years

MPHN has launched is plan for the next five years through the publication of its Strategic Plan 2023-2027.

CEO Melissa Neal said the focus and priorities outlined in the plan will guide the organisation towards achieving its vision of well people, resilient communities.

“Since 2019 when we released our previous strategic plan, there have been significant changes to the primary healthcare operating environment, and to state and national health policies and reforms. The landscape for primary healthcare has changed and is evolving,” Ms Neal said.

“With this in mind, it was critical to ensure the voices of our valued employees and stakeholders were heard in the development of this plan. Their opinions, ideas and feedback captured through these engagements has directly guided our Strategic Plan 2023-2027.

“Over the next five years our role will be to continue to support our primary healthcare providers and our communities to navigate changes, while also investing in communities for improved health outcomes, enhancing stronger collaborations, and to lead opportunities for innovation.

“Throughout the next five years we will diligently progress priorities detailed within this plan. We will collaborate with our existing and new partners to ensure people living in our rural and regional communities have improved outcomes and experiences when accessing primary healthcare. We want our communities to thrive and be resilient in the face of challenge,” she said.

Read the full 2023-2027 Strategic Plan here.

Cristy Houghton