Temora and surrounding communities share health experiences and concerns

Fourteen Temora locals took the opportunity to share their health experiences and concerns at Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network’s (MPHN) Conversations on the Couch session at Diamonds and Dust, Temora on Thursday 31 March.

MPHN’s Planning and Reporting Manager Toni Preuss said those who attended provided a variety of thoughtful insights into the current health needs of the community.

“Some of the key concerns raised included the lack of a mental health support for young people, limited options for community transport to gain access to medical services, a need for more aged care beds locally and a lack of affordable housing,” Ms Preuss said.

“We also heard many people express their appreciation for the local ambulance palliative care, local hospital and GPs.’

“I’d like to thank all the community members who provided feedback during the event. The information provided is invaluable to guiding MPHN’s understanding of community concerns and experiences and the development of the region’s Health Needs Assessment.”

Conversations on the Couch is an MPHN initiative to capture health needs and concerns of local communities across the Murrumbidgee region as part of its Health Needs Assessment.

MPHN CEO Melissa Neal said the organisation’s Health Needs Assessment is a three-yearly document to help identify opportunities for improving health outcomes.

“One of the most important ways in which we measure if we have the right services in the right places at the right time is by asking people of the Murrumbidgee to give us feedback about what they need,’ Ms Neal said.

“In addition to Conversations on the Couch, we also provided community members in the Temora local government area an opportunity to complete a survey and I would like to thank all those who took the time to participate.”

To provide feedback via a survey visit www.mphn.org.au/hna and scroll down to the blue survey buttons.