Temora talks healthcare: insights from ‘Conversations’

A local resident chatting with Temora Local Health Advisory Committee member Laurel West and MPHN Senior Manager Integration Toni Preuss at the Temora Conversations on the Couch.

Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network (MPHN) would like to thank Temora residents who came along and discussed their community’s health needs at the recent Conversations on the Couch event.

MPHN visited Temora in April and spoke to 23 residents who shared their views on healthcare in the region.

MPHN Interim CEO Narelle Mills said participants had positive perceptions of local GPs, hospital services, and certain healthcare professionals like allied health practitioners.

‘Community initiatives, local transport, and mental health services were appreciated, and bulk billing was seen as a positive aspect, making healthcare more affordable for residents,’ Ms Mills said.

Participants shared concerns regarding access to GPs, with many raising long waiting times as a significant challenge. Another recurring concern was the absence of specialist services within Temora, requiring travel to nearby towns like Wagga Wagga. Limited mental health services and awareness underscored the need for bolstered support and resources.

Transportation emerged as a pressing issue, with the absence of a local taxi service seen to hamper mobility and access to essential services. Participants also raised alarms about the escalating cost of living, especially regarding housing and everyday expenses.

MPHN will use feedback from the Temora Conversations on the Couch to update its Health Needs Assessment and consider any new or emerging issues in plans for future services and initiatives for the region.

Ms Mills said insights gathered from the event underscore the importance of community engagement in shaping healthcare initiatives.

‘We are committed to leveraging the strengths of our healthcare system to better serve the needs of the Temora community,’ Ms Mills said.

‘I’d like to thank all the participants; we really appreciate everyone who took the time to speak with us. Your insights are invaluable in guiding our efforts towards building a healthcare system that truly meets the needs of our community.’

Residents can still share their thoughts on health by completing the quick, anonymous Health Needs Assessment survey at mphn.org.au/hna or by calling MPHN on (02) 6923 3100.

Find out more at mphn.org.au/convos-on-the-couch