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Cancer screening for vulnerable populations

This event will discuss strategies and techniques to support breast, bowel and cervical screening for patients from vulnerable population groups including people with intellectual or cognitive disability and multicultural populations.

Participants will be equipped with a range of tools and resources that can be built into practice to engage with these vulnerable communities and improve their participation in national screening programs.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Increased understanding of the multicultural diversity and its impact on healthcare access and utilisation.

2. Increased cultural competency skills that influence preventative health seeking behaviours among patients from diverse backgrounds.

3. Identify the role of primary care providers as influencers of cancer screening programs among vulnerable populations within their communities.

4. Describe the epidemiology of cancer and cancer outcomes in people with intellectual disability.

5. Identify the barriers and facilitators to cancer screening in people with intellectual disability.

6. Increased understanding of strategies to facilitate cancer screening in people with intellectual disability.