Find out how to be an agent of change in your practice by increasing sustainability and viability. Learn how to maximise profitability and incorporate digital health technologies to enhance business efficiency.
This conference will emphasise developing workforce potential and help Practice Managers and teams build and maintain a positive workplace culture. We have individual streams for Practice Managers/Practice Owners, Receptionists and Medical Practice Assistants (MPAs) to ensure everyone gets the most out of this event.
MPAs can refresh their clinical practice, and Receptionists have a fantastic program, for building positive culture within your practice to digital cyber security, infection control, and dealing with mental health patients in the waiting room.
The ticket price includes a gala dinner on Friday night open to all attendees, entertainment from the very talented Richie Gudgeon and will include a MPAs graduation. A photographer will be on hand to capture the event and we encourage you to take the opportunity to get a profile or practice team photo.