Opportunity to shape new adult mental health services

Murrumbidgee Primary Health Network (MPHN) is seeking local mental health professionals, primary care providers, consumers and carers to provide input into the establishment of new mental health services in Wagga Wagga and Young.

Consultation opportunities are available, both online and in person.

  • Tuesday 19 September 2023 between 5:30 and 7:30 pm for the Young community (online)

  • Wednesday 20 September 2023 between 10:30 am and 12:30 pm in Wagga Wagga

  • Monday 25 September 2023 between 10:30 am and 12:30 pm in Young

  • Tuesday 26 September 2023 between 5:30 and 7:30 pm for the Wagga Wagga community (online)

MPHN CEO Melissa Neal said feedback from attendees will directly inform the establishment of the Medicare Mental Health Centres, which are jointly funded by the NSW and Federal governments as a result of the bilateral agreement into mental health and suicide prevention, signed in March 2022.

“In the 2023 Federal Budget, further Medicare Mental Health Centres were announced in various locations across the country including Wagga Wagga and Young.

“The decision to select these two locations was driven by data around mental health prevalence and demand for services within the region.

“I’m encouraging people who live and work in Young and Wagga Wagga to consider participating in these opportunities.

“Critical to the successful establishment of these services is ensuring they complement existing services available in these communities,” Ms Neal said.

“We are working closely with the Murrumbidgee Local Health District to ensure these services are established by 1 July 2024.”

Medicare Mental Health Centres provide a new way for adult Australians to access free, quality mental health care within their community. Services are fully government-funded and provided by multidisciplinary teams.

Medicare Mental Health Centres offer short to medium-term care for people with moderate to severe mental health needs, and immediate support and follow-up can be provided to people presenting in crisis.

To register your attendance at one of the consultation sessions, or for more information about MPHN’s role in establishing Medicare Mental Health Centres in Wagga Wagga and Young, please visit mphn.org.au/opportunities

Medicare Mental Health Centres can be accessed by calling 1800 595 212 or by visiting headtohealth.gov.au

Mental healthMonica McInnes