Filtering by: COVID-Other

12:00 pm12:00

NCIRS webinar: Triple protection: Vaccines for influenza, COVID-19 and RSV in 2025

People living in Australia are fortunate to have access to effective vaccines protecting against influenza, COVID-19 and, more recently, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).

As we approach the 2025 respiratory illness season, staying informed on the latest recommendations for vaccination is essential for immunisation providers.

We invite you to this upcoming NCIRS webinar, which will provide essential information that will support the delivery of Australian Government-funded vaccines protecting against influenza, COVID-19 and RSV, as well as privately funded RSV vaccines for older adults, in 2025.

The event, hosted by Professor Kristine Macartney (Director, NCIRS), will feature a panel of immunisation experts presenting on topics including:

·         recent global and Australian trends in influenza, COVID-19 and RSV epidemiology

·         the Australian influenza vaccination program in 2025

·         COVID-19 vaccination recommendations for 2025

·         RSV vaccines and recommendations for older adults

·         the impact, effectiveness and safety of influenza, COVID-19 and RSV vaccines for older adults

·         practical tips on delivery and maximising uptake for triple protection.

An interactive live Q&A session will follow the presentations.

Recordings of the webinar will be made available on the NCIRS website in the days following the event. Register now to receive a link to the recordings via email when they become available.

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to 15 Nov

ASHM: Contraception Essentials in Primary Care, online

Contraception Essentials in Primary Care

Through case studies, presentations, group discussion and online learning the Contraception Essentials in Primary Care course will increase primary care providers’ knowledge and confidence in discussing the benefits of Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) to reduce the incidence of unintended pregnancy amongst their patient population. This course will be particularly relevant for, but not limited to, general practitioners, nurse practitioners, and practice nurses working in primary care settings.

Find out more and register.

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1:30 pm13:30

CRANAplus: Triage Emergency Care - Online, 14 & 28 November and 12 December

Triage Emergency Care

The CRANAplus Triage Emergency Care course is based on the Emergency Triage Education Kit (ETEK) with a focus on application for rural, remote and isolated settings. Designed for nurses (including practice nurses) and GPs but open to a variety of health care professionals, the course upskills the rural triage practitioner to confidently assess patients and apply the Australasian Triage Scale to allocate an appropriate triage category.

Click here for more information and to register.

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7:00 pm19:00

Western Sydney Diabetes: Masterclass Series 2023: It’s a Weight-y Subject

Session 7: It’s a Weight-y Subject

This event is for GPs, pharmacists, diabetes educators, practice and community nurses, endocrinologists, dietitians, exercise physiologists, psychologists and podiatrists to better equip them with the skills to better manage type 2 diabetes.

This is a comprehensive series with 7 weeks of a virtual program featuring expert guest speakers, interactive case studies and panel discussions for each evening.

Find out more and register.

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7:00 pm19:00

Western Sydney Diabetes: Masterclass Series 2023: New Aspects of Diabesity

Session 6: New Aspects of Diabesity

This event is for GPs, pharmacists, diabetes educators, practice and community nurses, endocrinologists, dietitians, exercise physiologists, psychologists and podiatrists to better equip them with the skills to better manage type 2 diabetes.

This is a comprehensive series with 7 weeks of a virtual program featuring expert guest speakers, interactive case studies and panel discussions for each evening.

Find out more and register.

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9:00 am09:00

Difficult To Doable Virtual Workshop

This workshop is designed and delivered by Huron Studer Group coaches to help you on this journey.

This practical, virtual workshop will use proven approaches to support you to:

  • Understand and prepare yourself to have “the” conversation

  • Build your confidence and skills to have “the” conversation

  • Use a framework to effectively provide feedback to drive performance

  • Build accountability and engagement with your team

Click here for more information and to register.

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7:00 pm19:00

Western Sydney Diabetes: Masterclass Series 2023: Tackling Diabetes Town by Town

Session 5: Tackling Diabetes Town by Town

This event is for GPs, pharmacists, diabetes educators, practice and community nurses, endocrinologists, dietitians, exercise physiologists, psychologists and podiatrists to better equip them with the skills to better manage type 2 diabetes.

This is a comprehensive series with 7 weeks of a virtual program featuring expert guest speakers, interactive case studies and panel discussions for each evening.

Find out more and register.

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7:00 pm19:00

Western Sydney Diabetes: Masterclass Series 2023: Keeping up to date with Gestational Diabetes

Session 4: Keeping up to date with Gestational Diabetes

This event is for GPs, pharmacists, diabetes educators, practice and community nurses, endocrinologists, dietitians, exercise physiologists, psychologists and podiatrists to better equip them with the skills to better manage type 2 diabetes.

This is a comprehensive series with 7 weeks of a virtual program featuring expert guest speakers, interactive case studies and panel discussions for each evening.

Find out more and register.

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7:00 pm19:00

ThinkGP: The opioid dependence treatment landscape is changing: What every GP needs to know, webinar

The opioid dependence treatment landscape is changing: What every GP needs to know

In this webinar we explore the new era in opioid dependence treatment and unpack the implications of these transformative changes, highlighting how they democratise access to treatments, including Long-Acting Injectable Buprenorphine (LAIB). While LAIBs play a critical role, they are part of a broader treatment landscape. Our discussion therefore not only focuses on medication options but also underlines the importance of holistic care, encompassing individual, family and community perspectives. This CPD activity will give prescribers the knowledge and tools to navigate these changes, driving improved patient outcomes and challenging long-standing inequities in care.

Join us to enhance your understanding of these shifts and their potential to bring opioid dependence treatment further into the mainstream. Register now to ensure your practice aligns with this paradigm shift.

Find out more and register.

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7:00 pm19:00

NSW Health update on e-cigarettes and young people webinar for GP's

NSW Health update on e-cigarettes and young people

This webinar will provide an overview of key work, including an outline of recently developed clinical guidelines to support young people to quit vaping, an update on the next phase of the NSW Health anti-vaping campaign and updates to the ‘Do you know what you’re vaping’? toolkit materials. It will also provide an opportunity for GPs to ask questions to the panel and raise issues related to e-cigarettes.

Find out more and register.

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7:00 pm19:00

Western Sydney Diabetes: Masterclass Series 2023: Diabetes: It’s Complicated

Session 3: Diabetes: It’s Complicated

This event is for GPs, pharmacists, diabetes educators, practice and community nurses, endocrinologists, dietitians, exercise physiologists, psychologists and podiatrists to better equip them with the skills to better manage type 2 diabetes.

This is a comprehensive series with 7 weeks of a virtual program featuring expert guest speakers, interactive case studies and panel discussions for each evening.

Find out more and register.

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1:00 pm13:00

Pen CS: Identify Patients at Risk of Hospitalisation using CAT, webinar

Identify Patients at Risk of Hospitalisation using CAT

The Risk Stratification Report in CAT supports the practice of determining the probability that a patient will make an unplanned hospital visit within 12 months. 

In this webinar, you will learn how to access this new report and how it may be applied within your practice.

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7:00 pm19:00

Western Sydney Diabetes: Masterclass Series 2023: How to help Your Patients Prevent Diabetes

Session 2: How to help Your Patients Prevent Diabetes

This event is for GPs, pharmacists, diabetes educators, practice and community nurses, endocrinologists, dietitians, exercise physiologists, psychologists and podiatrists to better equip them with the skills to better manage type 2 diabetes.

This is a comprehensive series with 7 weeks of a virtual program featuring expert guest speakers, interactive case studies and panel discussions for each evening.

Find out more and register.

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9:00 am09:00

RACGP: Skin Cancer Essentials, Port Macquarie

Skin Cancer Essentials

Skin cancer essentials is RACGP NSW&ACT’s new workshop designed to upskill general practitioners (GPs) in assessing and managing skin cancers in the general practice setting. The workshop provides practical learning experiences in dermoscopy, and a variety of biopsy and suturing techniques to equip GPs with the necessary skills to safely assess and manage their patients with skin cancers.

Click here for more information and to register.

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7:30 pm19:30

RACGP: Case scenarios for managing nausea and vomiting in pregnancy and hyperemesis gravidarum, webinar

Case scenarios for managing nausea and vomiting in pregnancy and hyperemesis gravidarum

The webinar series will help you to understand more about hyperemesis gravidarum (HG), a severe form of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy (NVP), how to assess NVP symptom severity and how to plan and implement best practice holistic care.

Find out more and register.

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7:00 pm19:00

Western Sydney Diabetes: Masterclass Series 2023: Keeping up to date with Diabetes Medications

Session 1: Keeping up to date with Diabetes Medications

This event is for GPs, pharmacists, diabetes educators, practice and community nurses, endocrinologists, dietitians, exercise physiologists, psychologists and podiatrists to better equip them with the skills to better manage type 2 diabetes.

This is a comprehensive series with 7 weeks of a virtual program featuring expert guest speakers, interactive case studies and panel discussions for each evening.

Find out more and register.

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6:00 pm18:00

ADEA: Medications and diabetes - what's new?, webinar

Medications and diabetes - what's new?

Join Dr Gary Deed, Chair of the RACGP Specific Interests Diabetes network and Adjunct Senior Research Fellow Monash University, as he discusses medication and diabetes:

  • Understand the role of medications in managing type 2 diabetes

  • Explore the evidence for matching patient phenotypes to choices of therapies in diabetes

  • Develop an individualised management plan for differing patient presentations

  • Safely manage risk associated with medication choices in diabetes

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7:30 pm19:30

Kidney Health Australia: Progressive Chronic Kidney Disease Management - stages 3 and 4, webinar

Progressive Chronic Kidney Disease Management - stages 3 and 4

Join Kidney Health Australia and Professor Kevan Polkinghorne, for this case study-based webinar. During which we will unpack the importance of the early detection of CKD, also evidence-based guidelines that can slow the progression and guide the management of complications.

Find out more and register.

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7:30 pm19:30

RACGP: Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy and hyperemesis gravidarum, webinar

Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy and hyperemesis gravidarum

The webinar series will help you to understand more about hyperemesis gravidarum (HG)- a severe form of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy (NVP), how to assess NVP symptom severity and how to plan and implement best practice holistic care.

Find out more and register.

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7:30 pm19:30

Kidney Health Australia: Progressive Chronic Kidney Disease Management - stages 3 and 4, webinar

Progressive Chronic Kidney Disease Management - stages 3 and 4

Join Kidney Health Australia and Professor Kevan Polkinghorne, for this case study-based webinar that will highlight the importance of the early detection of CKD and unpack evidence-based guidelines that can slow the progression of CKD. Managing complications like bone mineral disease, pruritis and restless legs syndrome as the condition progresses will also be discussed. In fact, early detection and intervention has been shown to reduce the progression of CKD and its complications.

Find out more and register.

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7:00 pm19:00

ASHM: HIV s100 Peer Support and Case Discussion

HIV s100 Peer Support and Case Discussion

ASHM’S HIV s100 Peer Support and Case Discussion Series aims to support newly accredited, rural and remote, and low case-load HIV s100 prescribers. This session will provide an opportunity for prescribers to participate in case discussions, ask questions, seek advice, and network with other prescribers.

Find out more and register.

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1:30 pm13:30

CRANAplus: Triage Emergency Care - Online, 22 August, 5 & 19 September

Triage Emergency Care

The CRANAplus Triage Emergency Care course is based on the Emergency Triage Education Kit (ETEK) with a focus on application for rural, remote and isolated settings. Designed for nurses (including practice nurses) and GPs but open to a variety of health care professionals, the course upskills the rural triage practitioner to confidently assess patients and apply the Australasian Triage Scale to allocate an appropriate triage category.

Click here for more information and to register.

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1:00 pm13:00

AAPM: RACGP’s Healthy Habits to use in your Practice, webinar

RACGP’s Healthy Habits to use in your Practice

The RACGP Healthy Habits team, invite you to join Lauren Thorn, Patrice Cafferky, and Denise Lyons as they showcase the key features of the Healthy Habits tools, discuss ways to identify suitable patients and provide examples of workflows and quality improvement activities.

Find out more and register.

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to 20 Aug

CRANAplus: Remote Emergency Care Course, Albury/Wodonga

Remote Emergency Care Course

Designed for Nurs­es, Mid­wives, Abo­rig­i­nal and Tor­res Strait Islander Health Prac­ti­tion­ers, Para­medics, and Med­ical Offi­cers, the Remote Emer­gency Care course allows par­tic­i­pants to devel­op the knowl­edge and skills nec­es­sary to respond with con­fi­dence to emer­gency sit­u­a­tions and to deliv­er safe and qual­i­ty care in the remote setting.

Click here for more information and to register.

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7:00 pm19:00

GPs & Cardiology: Aortic Stenosis & TAVI Discussion, webinar

Aortic Stenosis & TAVI Discussion

Echocardiography is a commonly used tool by cardiologists and is a commonly referred investigation to a cardiology clinic. This meeting is to demystify a cardiology report and help general practitioners understand who should be referred for an echo and what findings in an echo study are important for a general practitioner to take note of. During this presentation interesting echoes will be shown the group.

Transcatheter aortic valve replacement is a new and vital procedure that will start at National Capital Private Hospital. The meeting will look at patients that may be suitable for TAVI and what can be expected during a TAVI procedure.

Find out more and register.

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7:00 pm19:00

Heart Foundation: CVD risk redefined: Unveiling Australia’s new cardiovascular disease risk guideline and calculator

CVD risk redefined: Unveiling Australia’s new cardiovascular disease risk guideline and calculator

In 90 minutes of live presentation and interactive discussion, members of the Guideline Expert Steering Group will provide a comprehensive overview of the new Australian guideline and Aus CVD Risk Calculator, including how the PREDICT equation has been recalibrated and modified for the Australian healthcare system, explanation of novel risk assessment and use of reclassification factors, communication of risk and management of risk.

Find out more and register.

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to 16 Aug

ASHM: Advanced Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy, 15 & 16August

Advanced Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy

This live facilitated two-part course provides clinicians the knowledge and confidence to prescribe gender affirming hormone therapy (GAHT) based on the needs of their patient population utilising an informed consent model. Additionally, supporting clinicians to create a gender affirming practice and establishing a business model for ongoing financial sustainability.

Find out more and register.

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9:00 am09:00

AAPM Educare Regional Series, Tamworth

AAPM Educare Regional Series

This event will feature industry updates, information and offer practical support to assist you in your everyday work.
Key topics include:

  • How to deal with difficult people and make sure you look after yourself in the process

  • Managing patients at the desk and confidentiality

  • Practice leadership and succession planning

  • Business planning

Find out more and register.

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